If you have a reference question, please click the button below to fill our our Reference Question Form.
When filling out the form, please keep the following in mind:
- Be as specific as possible about what you need. A reference question is looking for information or sources.
- If you are looking for a phone number or directions please call the library instead. You can reach the library at 412-775-4700.
- If you are looking for a book recommendation, please see our recommendation form here.
- We cannot give you advice, we can only give you resources.
- If you have more than one question, please send each question separately.
- If you have asked a specific, fact-based question, you will get a brief answer. Otherwise, you may get a list of places to check or to start your research. We will give you a source for an answer, and it may or may not be an Internet site. Some questions are best answered by print sources.
- We will try to get back to you within a week after getting the question.
- We will only answer reference questions via phone call or email. We do not offer text responses at this time.
- We may ask for you to elaborate on your question by asking more questions to steer us to the right answer or sources.
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